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вопросы по серверу и игре

il Re: вопросы по серверу и игре

Добрый Админ

Регистрация: 10.5.06
Сообщений: 2470

help - команда хорошая, с нее на самом деле надо начинать,
как ты понимаешь наверно, можно еще набирать /help команда, чтобы получить хелп по этой команде.

Но help выдает далеко не полный список, ссылку на более полный я давал в самом начале этой темы, своим первым ответом: http://www.war2.ru/modules/newbb_plus/viewtopic.php?topic_id=2077&forum=24#11768
Там все очень подробно и по-русски.

А насчет списка команд /help - давай попробую сюда его выложить:
%whois whereis where
whois <player> - looks up some basic information on a user, including their account number and their current location
%msg whisper m w
/msg, /whisper, /m, /w <player> <message> - sends a private message to a user online regardless of the channel they are in
%ignore squelch
/ignore, /squelch <player> - ignores any future messages from that user effectively muting that user to you
%unignore unsquelch
/unignore /unsquelch <player> - unignores a user so u can listen to him again
/away [<message>] - displays a message that you are away from your keyboard whenever someone whispers to you or does a /whois command on you
/dnd [<message>] - prevents ALL whispers from displaying to your screen
/who <channel> - displays a list of all users in the given channel
%stats astat
/stats /astat [<player>] [<gametag>] - displays a player's game record
%status users
/status, /users - displays the number of users currently on this server
/time - displays the current server time
%channel join
/channel /join <channel> - switches to a channel without having to use the channel join screen
/rejoin - join the channel you are already in
/me <message> - displays emotion text, as in 'tN is rolling on the floor laughing'
/kick <player> - kicks a user out of the channel
/ban <player> - kicks a user out of the channel and prevents them from returning until the current operator steps down or leaves the channel
/unban <player> - allows a banned user to return to the channel
/whoami - looks up some basic information on yourself, including your account number and your current location
/uptime - show the amount of time the server has been running
/beep - enable audible notifications
/nobeep - disable audible notifications
/version - shows the version of the server
/lusers - shows list of banned players in this channel
/games [<gametag>] - displays current game list of client type gametag, e.g. W3XP - Warcraft 3 TFT
/games [lobby], /games [l] - displays current list of games that are in the lobby (i.e. haven't started)
%channels chs
/channels /chs [all] - displays current channel list
%connections con
/connections /con - displays current connections
/finger [<player>] - displays information about player
/admins - shows all currently logged in administrators
%reply r
/reply /r <message> - reply to the last person that whispered to you
%announce ann
/announce /ann <message> - announces a message in all channels
/realmann <message> - makes an announcement in the real u are currenlty in
%copyright warranty license
/copyright /warranty /license - shows the legal information for bnetd
/news - show some system-specific news
%logout quit exit
/logout /quit /exit - closes your connection to the server
/kill [<player>] [min] - close a player's connection to the server and ban players IP for min minutes
/killsession [<sessionid>] [min] - close a connection to the server and ban sesion's IP for min minutes
/watch <player> - sends notification when a player logs out or joins a game
/unwatch <player> - stops sending notification about a player
/watchall - sends notification when any player logs in or out
/unwatchall - stops sending notification about all players
/gameinfo [<gamename>] - prints information about a game
/ladderactivate - copy current ladder stats to active ladder stats
/ladderinfo <rank> [<gameid>] - display ladder info for given rank
/timer [<duration>] [<message>] - send notification after a period of time
/netinfo [<player>] - display a player's IP and port information
/addacct <player> <password> - create a new player account
/chpass [<player>] <password> - change a player's password
/quota - displays the channel quota
/shutdown [<duration>] - starts the shutdown sequence or cancels if duration is zero
/lockacct <player> - locks that users account
/unlockacct <player> - unlocks that users account
%friends f
/friends add <username> - add user to your friends list
/friends del <username> - remove user from your friends list
/friends promote <username> - promote user in your friends list
/friends demote <username> - demote user in your friends list
/friends list - list all users in your friends list
/friends online - list all online users in your friends list
/friends msg <msgtext> - whispers to all your online friends
/mail <command> [<options>] - mail management commands
/mail send <receiver> <message>
/mail read [<index>]
/mail delete {all|<index>}
/flag <number> - debug tool for icon flags
/tag <gamename> - debug tool for client tags
/help [<command>] - does this
/ipban [<command>] [option] [time] - ban management commands
/ipban [l[ist]] - shows banned IPs
/ipban c[heck] <IP> - check is IP banned
/ipban d[el] <IP|index> - deletes ban for IP, or rule number index
/ipban a[dd] <IP> [time] - ban specified IP for time minutes (time = 0 - permanently ban)
/ipban h[elp] - show help screen
/set <account> <key> [value] - set an attribute in a player profile - if no value given returns current value
key is like BNETacctlastlogin_owner
/motd - display the motd
/tos - shows terms of service once more
/admin - +username to make user a admin, or -username to remove admin status of a user
/rank_all_accounts - brute force adds all accounts to war3 ladder
/rehash - forces reload of bnetd.conf
/clan create <clantag> <clanname>
Create a new clan
/clan msg <message>
Whispers a message to all your fellow clan members
/clan public (alias: pub)
Opens the clan channel up to the public so that anyone may enter
/clan private (alias: priv)
Closes the clan channel such that only members of the clan may enter
/clan motd <message>
Update the clan message of the day to message
/clan invite <username>
Invite <username> to your clan
/clan disband
Disband your clan
%ping p latency
/ping, /p, /latency - returns your latency to the server
%command_groups cg
/command_groups, /cg <command) <user> [<groups>] - adds, deletes, or lists command groups for user
/cg list <user> - shows command groups avialiable to user
/cg add <user> <group(s)> - adds group(s) to users command groups
/cg del <user> <group(s)> - deletes groups from users command groups
/cg help - show help screen
/admin +<username> - promote <username> to Server Admin
/admin -<username> - demote <username> from Server Admin
/operator +<username> - promote <username> to Server Operator
/operator -<username> - demote <username> from Server Operator
/aop <username> - make user Channel Admin
/op <username> - make user Channel Operator
/deop - take away channel Admin/Operator privileges
/tmpop <username> - make user a temporary Channel Operator
/vop <username> - add user to VOP list
/voice <username> - give temporary voice to user
/devoice <username> - remove user from VOP list and take away temporary voice
/topic [ [channel name] "topic " ] - used to get/set a channels topic
/moderate - used to get/set channel moderated status
/clearstats - used to clear game statistics of a given user/clienttag
Syntax: /clearstats <user> <clienttag>
<clienttag> can be one of DSHR,DRTL,SSHR,STAR,SEXP,W2BNE,WAR3,W3XP,ALL
/find - used to find users with similar name
Syntax: /find <substring to find>
<substring to find> needs to be in lower case
/save - used to force save accounts changes from a cache into database
Syntax: /save

[ Редактировано il в 22.8.15 21:29 ]
» 22.8.15 22:27 Профайл Посетить веб-сайт

Ответов Автор Дата
   Re: вопросы по серверу и игре tolsty 22.8.15 23:44
      Re: вопросы по серверу и игре tolsty 29.8.15 12:18

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Статус Battle.Net
Расширенный статус server.war2.ru

Победители турниров
hurt's Sea Tournaments, 4/7: High seas combat BNE
hurt's Sea Tournaments, 3/7: Atols
hurt's Sea Tournaments, 2/7: Spiral
hurt's Sea Tournaments, 1/7: Cross the streams
Elite Final 2023
Qualifiers (no) 2023
Complete Smurfdom
Fifth tournament on the map CHOP
Golden walls
Random Maps Tournament

FX - $80 (домен)
Zelya - (турниры)
Dar - (турниры)
Kagan - (турниры)
vova1 - (хостинг)
tolsty - (хостинг)
Oragorn - (хостинг)
2007 год:
Spbwar - $400
Jade -$100
MasterKsa - $60
Lisak -$52
Cocka - $50
Konstkl - $50
Ldir - $50
Gadzila - $20
Feature -$10

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